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ART.VII._Tubercles of the Choroid
Tuberculosis of the choroid was first observed in isolated cases by Autenrieth (1808), ED. Jaeger, Manz, Busch; then in great number by Buchut. Cohnhein has proved by numerous anatomical sections that it is almost constant in military tuberculosis. Von Graefe and Leber have given a detailed ophthalmoscopic description.
Tubercules of the choroid vary in number from one to fifty; some times they are found in one eye only, sometimes in both. They appear as little round spots, slightly prominent, of a rose or grayish color, and varying in size from 1/3 of a millimeter to 1 ½ milimetre. They are distinguished from similar affection s of the choroid by their regular round form, and by the absence of a pigmented border. They are, as a rule, situated near the optic nerve and macula, and do not extend to the periphery unless they are present in great numbers.
Whilst it may be said that the eyeball is one of the last organs to be affected in cases of general tuberculosis of the choroid existing before the appearance of the general disease.
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